Yesterday was Stephanie Wong's b-day!! Normally I would have taken her to lunch at Goodwood (our birthday tradition) but I am 1700 miles too far to do that this year! Stephanie is one of the best friends I made in Utah and I miss hanging out with her. Here are the things I love/appreciate about Steph:
* I met her the first day of nursing school, (we learned how to check a pulse on each other) and since then we helped each other get through school. I would not have survived without her.
*She is very level headed and non-dramatic
* She is a good listener - I can talk to her about pretty much anything
*She is amazingly brilliant! - I have always looked up to her for this
*She visited me in Ohio, just for the fun of it... Who does that - Seriously! She has a way of making people feel special.
*She takes joy in random, small things, like driving a golf cart!
*She puts up with me trying to set her up with people in Cleveland so I can get her to move here with me! (so far I am striking out)
*She is GORGEOUS! This lady asked me once, "Where's your friend, ya know the really pretty one..." Plus she has the cutest clothes, shoes, purses, and watches (totally unlike me!)
*She is a dare devil! She wanted to go on all the tallest, scariest rides at Cedar Point--and dragged me on them! (Except when it comes to haunted houses, she is a scaredy cat just like me). She was also the designated photographer when we went to the amish country. So bad! - we were driving around looking for the people in horse and buggies, we would drive by fast and try to get a picture without getting shunned... haha
She is pretty much awesome and I am so grateful to have her as a friend. Hope you had an awesome birthday Steph- Lets go to Goodwood soon!